Friday, September 27, 2013

Starlight Smile

My Miyang never fails to brighten my spirit.

Problems may be many, time few, and resources even more scarce - but moments framed in darkness when they are visited by starlight never fail to amaze me.

For when hope seem lost, hope is found and despair is vanquished. Life remains difficult but then again, if life weren't - how can joy also be our companion?

My Anne and her starlight smile...

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Just a little ditty...

There was a little town of Gullbarton
whose cats liked to run a marathon
but they neglected to state the case
their own mayor rigged every race,
the venue was switched to Torbiton!

Torbiton... now that's a smart name
for a pretty, purrrty town.

The moral: Cats hate cheats.